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Global Equity Investing

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The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate as to which emerging market portfolios lie on the efficient frontier, exploring further whether certain markets provide better diversification alternatives, and whether such relationships are time invariant. Consistent with the literature, I find that certain markets do indeed provide better diversification alternatives for US investors, though not necessarily in a time-invariant pattern. As expected, countries that seem more economically independent from the US provide better diversification for US investors.


Short Bio

Niso Abuaf

Niso Abuaf is Chief Economist and Strategist at Ramirez & Co., and Professor of Financial Economics at Pace University. At Ramirez & Co., Niso is responsible for developing balance sheet management and shareholder value maximization strategies for corporates; and for formulating the Firm’s macroeconomic outlook.

Niso has 35 years of Wall Street experience, having led R&D groups at Credit Suisse, Salomon Brothers/Citi, and J.P. Morgan Chase. Niso has advised blue-chip corporates (ATT, Amex, GE, Verizon) and sovereigns (Korea, Turkey) around the globe, and has played leading roles in marquee capital raising (Apple, Exelon, Facebook) and M&A (Repsol-YPF) transactions; and the development of an options market in Argentina. He is fluent in French, Spanish, and Turkish; and has a working knowledge of German and Italian.

Niso received a BS and MS in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University; and an MBA, and a PhD in Financial Economics from the University of Chicago. He is the author of numerous scholarly and professional publications in corporate finance,global macroeconomics, and in derivatives.

Teaching Philosophy

After a long career with the bulge-bracket firms on Wall Street, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to teach at Pace over the last five academic years. Sharing my academic and business experiences with young minds is truly exhilarating and I look forward to continue on sharing this joy with my students.

My teaching philosophy is centered on preparing students for a successful business career, while at the same time remaining loyal to core academic truths and values. In my opinion the main paradigm of business has not changed over the years, regardless how new or sophisticated the business might be.

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